Sunshine Coast Lawn Maintenance
Weeding Services
Bindii – Soliva Pterosperma: A prickly lawn weed with painful seeds that has left many family members literally hopping mad. Bindii takes over dry and unhealthy lawns that have bare patches allowing the Bindii to get a foothold, high pedestrian traffic areas are a favourite area for Bindii to get a initial foothold. Bindii is a classic weed that shouts all is not healthy with the lawn.
Bindii loves:
Dry soil with bare patches
Acidic soil
Compacted soil
- Lawns cut to low

Weeds And Invasive Grasses
Keeping lawns maintained and well fertilised with regular watering will greatly reduce any Bindii infestation, any that do persist should be sprayed out between June and mid October as selective herbicide is not as effective after the seed heads have matured.
Come the cooler months when the sun is lower we find creeping oxalis is probably the most problematic weed throughout lawns in the Sunshine Coast. It loves conditions when the grass dies back due to lack of sunlight and is a constant invader in couch lawns that struggle with shade.
The yellow flowers about 3 mm turn into a seed pod that explodes seeds upto 4-5 metres away, the green leaves are commonly mistaken for clover.
Our pre-emergent treatment effectively creates a barricade that stops this weed germinating.

Nutgrass – Cyper Rotundas: Nutgrass is a common weed all over Queensland that thrives in disturbed soil breaking the heart of many a homeowner when it overtakes their new lawn. Nutgrass loves perfect growing conditions and regular fertilising, Nutgrass is a unsightly weed and grows quicker than the established lawn.

Paspalum – Paspalum Dilatatum: Paspalum was introduced as a grazing plant in the late 1960s and has adapted to Australia’s sub tropical climate with amazing results making it one of Australia’s most common and disliked weeds. Paspalum can grow if left unchecked to over 1.5 m high but slowly creeps over a well maintained lawn with is creeping underground root system. Listed a environmental weed in Queensland and registered on the list of the worlds worst weeds, seeds are transplanted during summer by sticking to clothes or hair and find new locations to create more disturbance.
Paspalum can require two treatments of selective herbicide to fully eradicate.
Our pre-emergent treatment effectively creates a barricade that stops this weed germinating.

Winter Grass – Poa Annua: Winter grass thrives during the winter months while our lawn is dormant and seeds can survive many seasons without germinating. Winter grass has a light green colour which stands out in treated well maintained lawns when it dies off in warmer weather it leaves bare patches. Winter grass can take over areas affected by lack of sunshine in late autumn and winter.
Winter grass is best treated before winter when its starts germinating with a pre-emergent, if this opportunity has been missed post emergent treatment is possible
Our pre-emergent treatment effectively creates a barricade stopping this weed germinating.

White Clover – Trifolium Repens: White Clover is found in unhealthy lawns where competition from grass is weak and levels of nitrogen are low, so a well fertilised lawn is the first step to eliminating this creeping weed. Found mainly in winter and spring it spreads by seeds and it’s creeping stems, it can also cause problems in the hotter months loving wet summers.
White Clover can be killed by selective herbicide but this is a weed that shouts all is not healthy with the lawn. White clover is rarely a problem in the Sunshine Coast with well maintained lawns.
Our pre-emergent treatment effectively creates a barricade stopping this weed germinating.

This invasive grass can cause major problems in lawns and if untreated will take over the whole lawn. Our pre-emergent treatment work wonders in stopping Crowfoot seeds germinating.